It can be one of the most terrifying calls you receive as the caregiver of an aging parent that they have suffered from a stroke. A stroke can have a wide range of effects on the elderly which can be minimal to completely life-changing.
After a stroke, elderly individuals may face significant physical and mental challenges that can have a profound impact on their daily lives. We compiled some of the more common challenges that can come with a stroke in an aging loved one to help you better prepare for your changes in the role as caregiver.
Physical Challenges After a Stroke
Stroke often results in muscle weakness or paralysis on one side of the body, known as hemiparesis or hemiplegia. This can affect mobility, balance, and coordination. It can be alleviated through physical therapy but there are no guarantees on how much your aging loved one will return to their former mobility.
Depending on the location of the stroke, your parent may experience speech and swallowing difficulties, known as aphasia. This can make communication and eating/drinking more challenging for them.
Strokes can often lead to decreased mobility, making it difficult for your loved one to perform activities of daily living such as walking, getting in and out of bed, or using the bathroom independently. As a caregiver, you may need to help aid them in finding new toilets or showers that are more accessible.
A stroke can cause sensory impairments, such as loss of sensation or altered perception of touch, temperature, or pain. This can affect their ability to feel or respond to stimuli appropriately. If your loved one was already suffering from a memory disease, the stroke may only amplify some of the symptoms that come with those diseases.
Mental and Emotional Challenges After a Stroke
Your elderly parent may experience cognitive challenges after a stroke, including memory loss, difficulty with attention and concentration, and problems with problem-solving and decision-making. This can often lead to them having constant feelings of frustration or depression that you will need to monitor as their caregiver.
A stroke can also lead to emotional changes such as anxiety, mood swings, and emotional instability. These changes can impact their overall well-being and quality of life. Many stroke survivors experience fatigue and mental exhaustion that comes with tasks requiring minimal cognitive exertion. This can limit their ability to engage in activities or participate in therapy.
Coping with the physical and mental changes after a stroke can be challenging for both the individual and their loved ones. It may require adjusting to a new lifestyle, relearning skills, and finding ways to adapt to the changes.
It’s important to note that the challenges faced by each stroke survivor can vary based on the severity and location of the stroke, as well as individual factors. Rehabilitation and support from healthcare professionals, family, and friends are crucial in helping elderly loved ones overcome these challenges. Senior Living Specialists also encourages you to review the National Institute on Aging extensive breakdown on strokes in the elderly.