Nursing Homes provide 24/7 skilled nursing care for individuals who are no longer able to manage their Activities of Daily Living. Nursing Home care is unlike the other forms provided in Assisted Living, Independent Living, or even Memory Care because the care staff on the unit provides every aspect of a person’s day to day care. Resident’s in a nursing home can expect to have a Registered Dietician, a Registered Nurse, a Social Worker, a Certified Nursing Assistant, and an Activities Professional all working on the unit to provide care.
Nursing Home Care for Semi-Private and Private Room Cost
In 2017, Nursing Home monthly costs for a Semi-Private and Private room in the Sherman Area were $4,258, which is significantly lower than the national median of $7,148 for a semi-private room and $8,121 for a private room. And still slightly lower than the median cost in Texas, which is $4,563 for a semi-private room and $6,053 for a private room.
Over the next ten years, Nursing Home monthly prices for semi-private and private rooms are expected to rise to about $5,722. Annual rates for semi-private and private rooms in Sherman Area will raise from the current $51,100 to $68,674 by 2027.
By 2037, Nursing Home semi-private and private room prices will increase to $7,690 which is still significantly less when compared to the expected national median for Nursing Home semi-private monthly cost $12,910 and private room monthly cost $14,667.
In the next thirty years, Sherman Area, Texas Nursing Home annual costs for semi-private and private room are expected to increase to $124,033. This is nearly three times the annual cost for Nursing Home rooms now. However, Sherman Area residents can still expect to pay less than both Texas and the National Median, which by 2047 is expected to increase in Texas to $132,893 for a semi-private room and $176,304 for a private room and Nationally to $208,198 for a semi-private room and $236,549 for a private room SOURCE.
Texas Attorney General Recommendations
The Texas Attorney General wants to ensure consumers, and their families know what to look for when it comes time to choose a nursing home facility. They stress that before deciding, it is important for families to do their research, which is where Senior Living Specialist can assist you using their expert knowledge of available resources in and around the Sherman Area.
Once you have a good idea of what is available in your region, they suggest narrowing your choices to three or four, and then proceed to set up appointments to tour the facility. The Texas Attorney General understands that you want to find the best quality of care for your loved one and suggest that you bring your choices to the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services at (800) 458-9858 and while they can’t label a facility as good or bad they can answer questions (as noted on their website) such as:
- Have there been any proposed license terminations in the past two years?
- How many complaints have been filed in the past year?
- How many complaints have been found to be valid in the past year?
- How many deficiencies have been cited in the past two years?
- How many “quality of care” violations have been cited in the past two years?
- When was the last visit by DADS, and what was the purpose of the visit?
- Has the owner of this facility had other facilities recommended for license termination?
Answers to these questions will give you a better understanding of how care is provided in the facilities you have chosen, and may even assist you in narrowing your list down further.
Once you have your narrowed down list with the facilities that through your research demonstrate good quality care practices you are ready to schedule tours of the facilities on your list. To make the most of your visit have a set of questions available. Knowing what questions to ask and what to look for while visiting a potential nursing home facility will allow you to get the most out of your visit, and ensures that you leave with a clear understanding of what type of care your loved one will receive.
For information and guidance, please call us at 214-929-5055. You can also email or complete our Contact Form.